More About Spiritual Transformation
Typically, a person meets with a spiritual director once every four to six weeks. This allows continuity between sessions, enriching the time together. Your spiritual director gets to know you and you them. If you require more frequent meetings because you are in a crisis situation, a trained counselor or therapist would be a better choice for you. Many people meet with both a therapist and a spiritual director.
A spiritual direction session lasts for about an hour. Your director will begin your time together in whatever way will settle you both into the session. After that, each session is unique, depending on what you bring with you to share. An hour is just right for this.
Topics for
Spiritual Direction
My own history and faith journey:
Significant events
Significant people
High points and low points
Key images of God:
How do you name God?
What images do you have of God? How have these changed over your life?
Who is God for you?
How do you see yourself in relation to God?
What people, things, places, and times help you best feel in touch with God?
Where do you find yourself blocked or hindered in:
Your personal growth?
Your spiritual growth?
Your desires for life, love, God?
Describe your prayer and/or meditation practices:
What are your current practices?
What have you done in the past?
Do you have special times and places for your practices?
How do you best pray?
How do you approach prayer?
Preparing for Spiritual Direction
​Reflect on the following over the past few weeks on:
Your feelings:
Is there a predominant feeling that you notice?
Is there a noticeable tension in you between two or more feelings?
Your thoughts:
Is there a predominant thought that you notice?
Conflicting thoughts?
Is there something you read, heard, or saw that continues to keep coming to mind?
If you keep a journal, read over the past few weeks.
What do you notice in your writing?
Are there patterns in themes or words?
Your lifestyle:
How has the pace of your life been?
How are you using your time?
How are you not using your time?
Your self-care:
What have you done to care for yourself physically? How are you feeling physically?
What have you done to care for yourself mentally/emotionally? How are you feeling mentally/emotionally?
What have you done to care for yourself spiritually? How are you feeling spiritually?
Your dreams:
What dreams do you remember?
Have you had any recurring dreams or recurring people, places, or symbols in your dreams?
Have you had any nightmares?
Other questions to ask yourself:
What do I desire in my life right now?
What do I need in my life right now?
Do my desires/needs and my use of time and energy correspond?
Am I sensing any invitations in my life right now?
How have my prayer/meditation practices been?
Where have I found God/the Sacred in my life?
What are your greatest fears?
What are your gifts?
These topics are suggestions to what could be covered in Spiritual Direction, as you work with your spiritual director, you may or may not cover these in sessions.
We do not provide spiritual direction as employees of First Lutheran Church. Because we are trained “professional listeners,” we are compensated for our work.
There is no cost for your first session. This gives you a chance to meet the director and to see if spiritual direction is right for you.
We have a sliding scale of $50-$70.
If the cost is too much, talk to a director about this.
First Lutheran Church has several programs for which there is NO cost that might be of help to you if you cannot afford individual direction.
Click Here for First Lutheran's Calendar of Spiritual Transformation Ministries.